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Weekly Devotional - Live Unconditionally

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

John 16:33


It's so tempting to look over our neighbour's fence and think the grass is so much greener than our own. We think, if only I had more money, i could be content. If only I didn't have so many responsibilities and demands from my family. If only I had chosen a different career. If only my spouse where the kind of person I want them to be. If only my kids were more obedient. If only I were free to pursue the kind of life I want to live. If only, if only, if only...

We can live conditionally, suspending our awareness of the present and all the blessings we currently have in our lives. Or we can live and love unconditionally engaged with today as a gift from the Lord, another opportunity to enjoy the many gifts he has given us.

Today remember that you have everything you need for now. You don't need to live conditionally, waiting until some future moment to be fully alive and present to your life. Jesus has overcome the world, including your own dissatisfaction and complacency

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