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Weekly Devotional - His Promises are Unshakable

'Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.'

Hebrews 10:23

Promises seem to have lost their value as currency - probably because there is often nothing to back them up. Political candidates make promises, knowing that even if they win they won't be able to hold to their word. Companies make promises about their products and employees, but we still see product recalls and frequent layoffs. Couples promise undying love to one another and yet our divorce rate remains above 50 percent.

Living in a culture that expects promises to be broken, we become jaded and even cynical when someone gives us their word. They say they'll be on time, but end up late. They promise to deliver the terms of our agreement, but then make excuses for failing. They offer a warranty for products and services, but find hidden loophole to justify their broken promise.

All the more reason that we must realise that God's promises are bedrock - unmovable, unshakable, eternal. Our hope has a foundation in the only One who has never broken a promise. He is always faithful.

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